Sunday, July 16, 2017

VisualCad with FreeMill A great TinkerCad Substitute

I used to have given up using VisualCad with FreeMill plugin installed because it basically slows down my quadCore Atom mini laptop given that it is way above the minimum hardware requirement of the Software. On the brighter side, I could not resist the feature wherein I could specify the x/y step distance. This is feature allows me to specify the quality of the wood carving output of the Cnc. This extremely important feature is what ArtCam don't have considering that it is a very very expensive software.

The downside of VisualCad is that I could not add 3d letters and numbers or it may have that feature, but, it is very difficult. I need to do more extra research on this. Ok, going back to the original subject, I tried to explore the software(VisualCAD) again but this time, I will be using a hardware with core i5 with video card, and I was so surprised with the result. I could now edit even the stl with very complex design and I can do solid manipulation just like what I usually do with tinkercad which is great! I can do great stuff with this thing but looking into it deeper, I found out that the software lacks another very important feature, I could not specify the z step distance which is the strength of ArtCam, but I found a great way as work around to ignore this feature, anyways, I realize even with this feature around, I would still need an end mill with extra long cutting length, so it is not really important, but it is a good to have feature to make it and extremely awesome software.

So from now on, I will be using VisualCad with Freemill plugnin as my primary cad software because its free. I will still be using tinkercad for 3d printing.

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